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Dynemo Blue Tea


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Dynemo Blue tea comes from blue butterfly pea flowers and is a caffeine-free herbal infusion.
  • Soaking dried or fresh Clitoria Ternatea plant leaves in lukewarm water creates it.
  • Some believe that blue tea has detoxification and skin-brightening benefits.

Dynemo PMS Relief Herbal Tea


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  • PMS Relief tea is a specially formulated blend designed to alleviate PMS symptoms and promote healthy periods.
  • It provides a healthy dose of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • We carefully choose the blend of herbs in this tea to create a joyful and effective remedy.
  • This tea offers a natural and gentle way for women to manage the discomfort associated with PMS.
You can enjoy it hot or iced, and sweeten it with honey or sugar if you prefer.

Shuddh Natural Vrinda (Tulsi Buransh) Tisane 30 gm


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Shuddh Natural Vrinda (Tulsi Buransh) Tisane 30 gm:- INGREDIENTS:-Himalayan Rhododendron Flower, Krishna Tulsi, Vana Tulsi, Rama Tulsi, Wayanad Ginger, herbs and spices A delicious and energetic tea with incredible health benefits, including the capacity to treat and prevent ailments including asthma, bronchitis, dysentery, diarrhoea while reducing the body's negative reaction to stress.