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Down To Earth Mustard Oil


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They extract mustard oil at low pressure and low temperature. It contains 0.30-0.35% essential oil which act as preservative. Common people use kachchi ghani oil, which is a nutritious oil. It is one of the best cooking oil particularly for heart patients because it has an omega-3(MUFA) and 6 fatty acid composition in good proposition, close to 10:1 rarely found in any other oil. The ideal ratio of omega 6 and 3 is 10:1.

Truefarm Organics Certified A2 Ghee



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Truefarm Organics Certified A2 Ghee:-Regular ghee, made from A1 milk, may cause Discomfort. Truefarm ghee, from A2 milk, guarantees purity.
  • This milk contains no casein, Allowing everyone to enjoy the ghee without any risk of Discomfort.

Truefarm Organics Virgin Coconut Oil 500 ml



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Truefarm Organics Virgin Coconut Oil 500 ml:-
  • 100% pure, virgin, Cold-pressed, is great for hair growth, Moisturizing dry scalp, and Conditioning hair.
  •  Versatile oil for cooking, baking, frying, and Skincare routines.