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Nisarg Organic Raw Tulsi Honey


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  • The flavor and aroma of raw Tulsi honey may vary.
  • It depends on the types of flowers the bees collect nectar from.
  • It also depends on the presence of Tulsi plants in the Vicinity.
  • Different flowers Contribute to the diverse taste and scent of the honey.

Graminway Ashwagandha Honey 350 gm


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Graminway’s Ashwagandha Honey, which is Diabetes Friendly, offers a Healthy Start with Natural Sweeteners. You can add it to a small glass of lukewarm milk to experience stress relief!

Graminway Cinnamon Honey 350 gm


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Graminway Cinnamon Honey 350 gm:-
  • Add Graminway’s Cinnamon Honey to coffee, hot chocolate, or buttered toast for a Enjoyable aroma and flavor!

Nisarg Organic Raw Ajwain Honey


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Some of the Vitamins found in honey include Ascorbic acid, Pantothenic acid, niacin, and Riboflavin; along with Minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, and zinc.

Graminway Ginger Honey 350 gm


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One that’s pure, natural, and unprocessed. Graminway's Ginger Honey: locally sourced from apiaries in Bagalkot, where farmers prioritize minimal disturbance to beehives during honey extraction. They refrain from using any chemicals or pesticides, which keeps the nutrients in the honey intact. Try our honey and you'll become addicted to its taste!

Graminway Moringa Honey 350 gm


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Diabetes Friendly, Healthy Start, Natural Sweeteners.Graminway’s Moringa Honey can be drizzled onto your cereal in the morning to stay energized for the day!

Graminway Natural Honey 350 gm


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Adding Natural Honey to a glass of warm water or tea can provide stress relief! We source our honey from local apiaries in Bagalkot, where farmers go to great lengths to extract honey with minimal disturbance to the beehives. They refrain from using any chemicals or pesticides, which keeps the nutrients in the honey intact. Once you taste our honey, you'll surely become addicted!

Graminway Neem Honey 350 gm


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Neem Honey can be added to a glass of warm water or tea for experiencing some stress relief!Graminway aims to provide clean, natural, and healthy products without compromising on the flavours and taste. We produce them in small batches, which helps maintain freshness and preserve the ingredient texture. By not stockpiling, each product is as fresh as possible when it reaches your doorstep.

Graminway Raw Wild Honey 350 gm


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Graminway Raw Wild Honey 350 gm Add Graminway’s Raw Wild Honey to a glass of warm water or tea to experience stress relief!  

Graminway Tulsi Honey 350 gm


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Graminway’s Tulsi Honey, a diabetes-friendly, healthy start with natural sweeteners, enhances stress relief when added to a glass of warm water or tea!

Graminway Turmeric Honey 350 gm


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Graminway Turmeric Honey 350 gm Add Graminway’s Turmeric Honey to warm milk with a spot of ghee to enjoy sweet, delicious health in every spoon!

Nisarg Organic Raw Acacia Honey


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Some of the Vitamins found in honey include Ascorbic acid, Pantothenic acid, niacin, and Riboflavin; along with Minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, and zinc.

Nisarg Organic Raw Multi Flora Honey


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We support our mission by Providing products that are 100% Pure, Organic, without any Additives, non-GMO, Gluten-free, vegan, and Environmentally friendly.

Nisarg Organic Raw Mustard Honey


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This honey is rich in Antioxidants that help maintain a healthy heart, Daily Consumption of honey also helps improve Eyesight. Honey is a natural Antibiotic that helps Suppress infections.