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Nature Orgayouth Neem Powder 120 gm


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Nature Orgayouth Neem Powder 120 gm is Integral to Ayurvedic medicine, Balancing pitta and kapha dosha while Addressing vatta Disorders.

Nature Orgayouth Flaxseed 180 gm


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Nature Orgayouth Flaxseed 180 gm is a Plant-based food that provides Healthful fat, Antioxidants, and fiber. Some people call it a “Functional food,” which means that a person can eat it to boost their health.

Nature Orgayouth Pumpkin Seed 150 gm


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Nature Orgayouth Pumpkin Seed 150 gm are rich in Antioxidants, healthy fats, and Minerals. Possible benefits of eating pumpkin seeds include Boosting bone health, sexual Wellbeing, and the immune system.

Nature Orgayouth Ashwagandha Powder 150 gm


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Nature Orgayouth Ashwagandha Powder 150 gm serves various disease processes and specifically acts as a nervine tonic. In the Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine, Ashwagandha holds high reverence as a Rasayana (tonic).

Nature Orgayouth Bel Powder 180 gm


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The production of Bel powder involves drying and grinding the inner pulp of the Bael fruit. The resulting powder is light brown in color and has a distinct aroma described as slightly sweet and tangy.

Nature Orgayouth Chia Seed 180 gm


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Nature Orgayouth Chia Seed 180 gm contain Antioxidants, Minerals, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. These Nutrients play a role in Supporting multiple body functions and systems.